GEOadventure Wikia

Cloud City - Super Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back (SNES)-0

This song best describes International Night from GEOs eyes.

This is the 10th episode and a climactic episode for the GEO Adventures


630   4|=73[z  em4573[z!(\)6  7#3  1363(\)I)4[z-/  7#(_)(\)I)3[z  5934[z 4(\)I) (-)(\)!(\)73(\)7!0(\)411-/ \/\/!(\)(\)!(\)6 7#3 #34[z7 0|= 7#3 10\/31-/ eM!see#4314 7#0(_)6# 6305 10\/3 |=0[z 7#3 5see4(\)|)!(\)4\/!4(\) 834(_)7-/ X4j[.] \/\/!7#!(\) 4 |=3\/\/ |)4-/5 6305 |=0[z7(_)(\)35 </(_)eM93|) 45 #!5 93[z|=3see7 !741!4(\) 9[z0(\)0(_)(\)see!47!0(\) 14(\)|)3|) #!eM 4 5907 0(\) 7#3 !(\)73[z(\)47!0(\)41 (\)!6#7 1!(\)3(_)9[.] 0(\) 7#3 (\)3%7 |)4-/ 630 eM35eM3[z!23I) 7#3 630 See[z3\/\/ \/\/#0 7#3(\) [z341!23|) 630 !5 4 7[z(_)3 !741!4(\)[.] !(\) 7!eM3 !(\)73[z(\)47!0(\)41 (\)!6#7 \/\/45 #0(_)[z5 4\/\/4-/ 630 !(\) #!5 8!66357 #!6# -/37[.] 1!7713 |)!|) 630 |<(\)0\/\/ 0|= \/\/#475 70 see0eM3[.] 630 eM4|<35 !7 70 !(\)73[z(\)47!0(\)41 (\)!6#7 45 4 500(\) 70 83 #3[z0 0(\)see3 464!(\)[.] 6305 #0935 74|<3 4 7(_)[z(\) |=0[z 7#3 \/\/0[z53 7#0(_)6# \/\/#3(\) #3 5335 X4j \/\/!7# #3[z 80-/|=[z!3(\)|) 9[z35(_)eM481-/[.] 630 !5 53(\)7 0(\) 4 |)0\/\/(\)\/\/4[z|)5 59![z41 0|= (\)34[z \/0eM!7!(\)6 4(\)|) (\)34[z |=4!(\)7!(\)6 593115[.]


Cloud City - Super Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back (SNES)-0

This song best describes International Night from GEOs eyes.

7#3 I)3593[z47!0(\) 3(\)|)3|) 45 X4j 13|=7 8(_)7 630 (\)07!see3|) 5#3 0(\)1-/ see4eM3 70 5see#001 |=0[z \/\/#47 630 9[z35(_)eM3|) \/\/45 #3[z 80-/|=[z!3(\)|) 4(\)|) !7 0(\)1-/ 607 \/\/0[z53 5!(\)see3 |)4(\) 7#3 eM4(\)[-] 3eM93[z0[z 0|= \/\/01|= 90(\)|) #4|) 630 !(\) #!5  !(\)73[z(\)47!0(\)41 (\)!6#7 7[z49[.] 630 \/\/45 !eMeM3|)!4731-/ 4eM8(_)5#3|) 8-/ |)4(\)5 709 #3(\)see#eM3\) 630 [z341!2!(\)6 \/\/!7#0(_)7 X4j #3 #4|) (\)07#!(\)6 70 1053 7#0(_)[z0(_)1-/ |)3|=3475 #!5 #3(\)see#eM3(\)[.] |)4(\) [z341!2!(\)6 6305 see![zsee(_)eM574(\)see35 5(_)[z[z3(\)|)3[z5 |=457[.] !7 \/\/45 7#3(\) 6305 7(_)[z(\) 70 [z3see!73 #!5 !741!4(\) 903eM 630 |)!|) !7 834(_)7!|=11-/ 45 7#3 630 See[z3\/\/ 4(\)|) |)4(\) 7#3 eM4(\) \/\/47see#3|) !eM9[z3553|)[.] 630 7#3(\) 607 #!5 [z0(_)(\)|) 0|= 49914(_)53 45 #3 \/\/3(\)7 70 7#3 847#[z00eM 70 \/\/45# #!5 |=4see3 0|= 7#3 |)4-/[.] 630 !5 7#3(\) 6[z3373|) 8-/ 4 |=[z!3(\)|)1-/ |=!6(_)[z3 \/\/#0 45|<5 \/\/#-/ 7#3 7#3 #3[z0 0|= 7#3 (\)!6#7 !5 eM09!(\)6 4[z0(_)(\)|)[.] 630 64\/3 4 63(\)3[z41 |)39[z3553|) [z3590(\)53 8(_)7 7#3 57[z4(\)63[z5 \/\/0[z|)5 [z3!(\)|=0[zsee3|) 630 4(\)|) 74(_)6#7 #!eM 7#47 #3 \/\/0(\) 7#3 847713 8(_)7 (\)07 7#3 |=(_)11 \/\/4[z 4(\)|) 7#47 #3 eM(_)57 \/\/!(\) 7#3 \/\/4[z 45 4 #3[z0[.][.][.][.][.] 7#3 (\)3%7 |)4-/ 0seesee(_)[z5 630 6375 7#3 7#(_)(\)|)3[z 5934[z |=0[z 0(\)3 eM0[z3 |)4-/[.] 630 7#3(\) eM4573[z|=(_)11-/ (_)535 !7 70 7#3 8357 0|= !75 90\/\/3[z 45 4 #3[z0[.] 7#!5 7!eM3 \/\/!11 (\)3\/3[z 83 |=0[z60773(\) 8-/ 630[.][.][.][.]


End of Chapter ~ Victory Minor-0

This song best describes the taste in GEOs mouth after International Night

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