GEOadventure Wikia

HH, for a person who fancys himself as a smart and valued member of society often has consistent spelling problems.


HHs spelling is often the butt of many peoples jokes for having consistent spelling errors. Usually the most common result of HHs bungled spellings are word mix ups with a few distinct exceptions. HHs mistakes in his spellings can have an inclination to omit one letter if there's 2 back to back in the word. Delima/Dilemma and Lose/Loose tend to be this type of misspelling. HHs most adversarial letter in his spellings more often then not is "E" which is the case in Farwell, Safty, Moral/Morale and collage/college. A particularly special note should be given that HH thought the letter "E" is in Trail and Trial so not only does HH have problems with omitting "E" he also has problems adding "E" too. When pressed on his lackadaisical spelling HH will often dismiss this as a nitpick and often responds to this by going out of his way to point out even the most minor grammar or spelling errors his presser makes.


The first and most notorious of HHs spelling errors is his persistent tendency to mix up Trail and Trial. For someone who is intent on studying law and being a lawyer HH can't spell Trial for his life. HH even expanded on this miscarriage of a spelling by pointing out one time that there was an "E" in both Trail and Trial. HHs misspelling of trial has also been the basis of many memes, roasts and jokes. A particularly infamous roast brought on by this misspelling is that HH is going to get a Trail of Tears


This is another infamous and consistent misspelling HH has. Delima is HHs misspelling of dilemma and is often narrated to dramatic effect. This misspelling rose to prominence only slightly after Trail when HH tried defeating the TFAO for the Umpteenth time with his new Plasma revival: TDAP in Russia. Delima is particularly notorious in HHs collection of misspellings for not being a misspelling that doesn't end up being a different word or a mix up and for sounding outlandish.
